Category: Uncategorized

Find the Right Wedding Vendors

Weddings can be hectic, but worry no more. Buffalo Wedding Marketplace is here to help. We have a great selection of professional vendors to help you with your wedding day including videography, photography, DJ and even travel for your Honeymoon. We are here to make planning your big day easier. All of the companies in… Read more »

Case Study: Okeanos Explorer Watch

 Okeanos Explorer from Black Horse Videography on Vimeo.   Task: We were contacted by the Heitis Watch Company to make a new ad video for their newest and best watch yet. The ad is to be featured on their Kick Starter page in order to raise funds to put the watch into production. We… Read more »

Traveling with Gear

Have a gig 2,000 miles away? Wondering the best way to get equipment there? Well we may have some tips for you! Recently we had the opportunity to film a wedding in Puerto Rico. Besides being an amazing and beautiful place, the question always becomes how are we getting equipment down there as efficiently as… Read more »

Black Horse Originals on Youtube

This week marks the release of our channel on Youtube! We are expanding where you can see our content! Earlier this year we launched “Black Horse Originals” which is our original in house content purely for your entertainment. What do we do in our original content? I’m glad you ask. We have a few different… Read more »

Top Ten Wedding Shoot Locations 2017

This week we sat and talked a little about our favorite shoot locations of the 2017 wedding season! You can check out the video below!   We decided to count down our 10 favorite wedding shoot locations from this past season. This is the part of the wedding day where the wedding party and the… Read more »

Black Horse Digital Delivery

For the 2018 Wedding Season Black Horse Videography is rolling out a brand new way to bring you your amazing wedding video! We are using a digital delivery method ““. This is a cloud based platform that stores the content in a server for viewing from any computer. What does this mean for you? With… Read more »

Developing film, worth knowing?

Today I set out to experience the seemingly lost art that is Developing Film.  I wanted to try my hand at developing my own film to see if it is worth knowing. Lucky enough for us we have John, who knows a thing or two about the developing and processing of film. Coming from a background… Read more »

7 Tips for Hiring a Video Company

When looking for a video company to create a video to promote your business, there are a few important tips to consider. Here we have seven pieces of advice to help you in your search. 1. Have a Strategy and a Clear Message This is something we have touched on before, but branding and brand… Read more »

How to Write a Wedding Speech

How to Write a Wedding Speech If you have been asked to be the Best Man or Maid of Honor for someone’s wedding, it is most certainly an honor. In most circumstances it also requires you to deliver some type of speech or toast. You may be asking yourself “How do I write a Best… Read more »

The Importance of Branding

A solid brand for a company can help drive a business into success by increasing customer base and instilling confidence in a company.  It is more than just a logo.  A brand goes beyond being just an image and provides a company with an identity.  Good brands are memorable, but great brands are iconic.  Without… Read more »

How Much Does Video Production Cost?

If you’ve ever considered hiring a professional video production company to create your next promotional video or advertisement, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself the most important question…how much will this cost me? The answer to this is not a straight forward one. It depends on a variety of variables. Hopefully we can provide you with… Read more »